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Kanyaa or Virgo


Figure 6 shows 35 degrees containing four Nakshatras in Kanya Raashi called Uttara Phalguni, Hastaa, Chitra, and Swati.


Though Uttara is a part of Virgo/Kanya in the zodiac, in Bharateeya measure it is considered as a part of Tula. All the Kanyaa Nakshatras are in the Moon Band and are the brighter stars of the Raashi. Uttara Phalguni or Uttara is onsidered to be a lunar mansion of 2 stars. The following table provides a list of two stars, which can qualify as Uttara Phalguni from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.

Nakshatra No. SAO HD Bayer Bright Arab/Other
Uttara Phalguni 2 99809 102647 94 b Leo +2.14 Denebola
    119076 102870 5 b Vir +3.61 Zavijava

Both the stars are at same time distance from Poorva Phalguni. If a single star has to be identified as Uttara Phalguni, then 94 b Leo/SAO 119076 / HD 102870 is the best candidate, despite Denebola being brighter. Reason is that Denebola is about 5 diameters out of Moon traverse band while Zavijava is in the moon traverse band. Uttara Phalguni, is also called Zavijava by Arabs.

Hastaa is considered to be a lunar mansion of 3 stars. The following table provides, a list of three stars which can qualify as Hastaa from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra. Hastaa has also been called Porrima, probably an Arab name.

Nakshatra No. SAO HD Bayer Bright Arab/Other
Hastaa 3 0 110380 29 g Vir +3.68/2.68 Porrima
    119674 113380 43 d Vir +3.38 -
    100384 113226 47 e Vir +2.83 -

If a single star has to be identified as Hastaa, then star 29 g Virgo identified as HD-110380, (It has no SA0 identification) is best candidate for Hastaa Nakshatra. Its brightness has been declared as +2.8 in some references and +3.6 in some. Hastaa is 55 minutes or 14 degrees (E-W) away from Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. It also carries the Arab name Porrima.

Chitra is considered to be a lunar mansion of single star. The following table provides the stars which qualifies as Chitra from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.

Nakshatra No. SAO HD Bayer Bright Arab/Other
Chitra 1 157923 116923 67 a Vir +0.98 Spica

Chitra is 50 minutes or 13.3 degrees (E-W) away from 'Hastaa'. There can be no doubt about the identity of Chitra. It also stands for the name of the first month in Chandramaana calender. The Bhrateeya Chandramaana Ugadi (new Year day) is on the new moon day of this month, and this day is very near the Spring Equinox day. In Raashi/Nakshatra translation, 1/4 of Uttara-Phalguni is considered as belonging to Karkataka. 3/4 of Uttara-Phalguni, whole of Hastaa and 1/2 of Chitra are considered to belong to Kanyaa Rashi. The other half of Chitra is shown as Tula Raashi.

This star which is very near the ecliptic was scientifically studied by Hipparchus in 150 BC and by Ptolemy in 150 AD, and they noticed the property of earth's precession using observations on Spica.


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