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Comparison of Vedic period star name identities from R. H. Allen’s "Star names- Their lore & meaning" of circa 1899 with "Names of Stars from the period of Vedas" from 1999.

Karkataka or Cancer

- The figure above shows a part of Mithuna (Gemini), with Punarvasu(25% in Mithuna) whole of karkaataka (Cancer) as Pushya(100% in Karkataka) and Aaslesha(100% in Karkataka) and a part of Simha(Leo) Raashis (or constellations). Their ranges, from table 1, are shown as vertical lines.

- R.H.Allen states that the four stars Cancer-g,d,h,q constitute Pushya nakshathra (Ref-1, page110). Pushya are four stars at the center, with a blue ellipse drawn around them. A line connects d and q stars. Cancer-g and d are on the line left of line separating Pushya and Asslesha Nakshathra. Balakrishna (ref-2) identifies Cancer-17b& 31 q as Pushya nakshathra.

- Further R.H.Allen identifies Hydra-d,s ,e (Ref-1 page 248) as constituting Aaslesha Nakshathra, shown in blue ellipse. Balakrishna proposes that Cancer- 65a,& d as constituting Aaslesha Nakshathra. Head of Hydra is about 10 degrees away from ecliptic, but still can be considered as a part of Cancer from a historical point of view. It is a fact that Taittareeya Samhita (Krishna yajurveda) identifies that sarpa or snake is the presiding deity for Aaslesha. Hydra has been called a serpent, though Serpens constellation is on either side of Ophiuchus (near Scorpio/Sagittarius) and far away from Cancer.

- R..Allen’s Pushya and Aaslesha have a small 2-3 deg angular difference between them along the ecliptic, while Jyotishya requires about 13.33 degrees between the two.




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